Mexican tamale chef kills and cooks his buddy
A Mexican tamale chef killed his drinking buddy and made tamales* using the man's body. He cut up the body and boiled the body parts in herbs.
Carlos Machuca, a 56-year-old man, who is tamale-maker for a living, was arrested at his home in Morelia after the police received an anonymous phone call on Tuesday.When the police arrived at Mr Machuca's house, they found a mutilated corpse of a man in the living room. They also found some body parts simmering in saucepans on the stove.
Lorena Cortes, a spokeswoman for Michoacan state prosecutors said: "We saw the flesh and the tamales, and our first impression was that he was making tamales with the flesh of the deceased, although it has yet to be confirmed".
Lorena also said that it looked like Carlos was trying to dispose of the body by maybe even selling the tamales to customers. According to the police Carlos stabbed the man with a knife trough the heart. It happened after both men got into a fight after they had been drinking together.
* Tamales is a Mexican dish made of chopped meat and crushed peppers, highly seasoned, wrapped in cornhusks spread with masa, and steamed.
See and what if the mexican came over here and killed an American
watch out for those people
Boricua hasta el fin
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They also found some body parts simmering in saucepans on the stove.
In Mexico, tamales begin with a dough made from nixtamalized corn (hominy), called masa, or a masa mix such as Maseca, and are generally wrapped in corn.
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My God, I hope this is not true, do not want this to happen, how cruel it is.
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He is really a cruel person. He killed the man and cut his body for eating. I think its so disgusting thing done by him. He looks like psycho person.
It is such a disgusting that a Mexican tamale chef killed his drinking buddy and made tamales using the man's body. I think he is not a human but he is a devil.
BoricuaPrinceza, to bad they weren't boricua tamales (LOL) I hear boricua crica is something yummy, heck, ask Mick Jagger.
Bad joke in bad taste (lol again) in reality that chef (short today for dumbass!!) needs to get cooked himself, in a good old fashioned Texas style cooker - the ELECTRIC CHAIR !!!!
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