Beyonce's Spanish just got a celebrity fan!
Beyonce's foray into Spanish language singing on a duet with Shakira is already stale tale now. Late last year, it had everybody talking about it. Well, the video's been out for a while, but now Shaki is amazed at what a polyglot Beyonce has become, and the experience of working with her overall:Shak told MTV, "(Beyonce) has a very good accent when she sings in Spanish and I think anything that she wants to do she will do just fine, because she is a very determined and focused woman and that is something to admire. She is a great artist."
She added, "I am very happy and very excited about (working with Bey). I have just finished shooting a video with her. It was a fantastic experience to work with her, to get to know her as the great artist that she is.
"She is an amazing performer and also a sweet person and a very nice human being, and I am so thrilled and thankful for her invitation. It was her idea to make me a part of her album and it has been wonderful."
If you still haven't seen the video, check it out here.
Cited from MTV.
Shakira is really gorgeous. Especially, when she sings in Spanish.
Anyway it's called being a celebrity. You see an artist rise and you have the intelligence to take some of it and theses are normally one of the very calm and cool when interviewing celebrities.
Shakira and Beyonce both are sing well in Spanish. All people are friend of Shakira but Shakira is friend of Beyonce.
Beyonce is a great woman. I badly admire her for her beautiful singings and positive attitude for everything.
you have the wisdom to some, this is usually a calm interview celebrities.Anyway, it is called a celebrity.
I have just finished shooting a video with her. It was a fantastic experience to work with her, to get to know her as the great artist that she is.
Beyonce having large fan following. No one can make difference in that.
Her maternal Grandparents were French-speaking Louisiana Creoles. Her Father is African American. Beyonce doesn’t speak French of Spanish but she has sung in Spanish before.
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Thank you for sharing. Glad to see you.It is really a good post.
Shakira and Beyonce singing in Spanish is good. All men are friends, but Shakira Shakira Beyonce is a friend.
Beyonce song is very beautiful, is a great artist
Shakira and Beyonce both are sing well in Spanish.
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She is so beautiful. And is really gorgeous. I think she has many fans. Thank you for partaking so nice thing.
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All people are friend of Shakira but Shakira is friend of Beyonce.Good!
I am very happy and very excited about (working with Bey). I have just finished shooting a video with her. It was a fantastic experience to work with her, to get to know her as the great artist that she is.
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Now, she's just translating her songs to Spanish; she's not making anything specially planned for the Hispanic public. The reason why Beyonce thinks Latinos need Spanish versions of her songs, is a mystery to me.
Shakira is really gorgeous.When she turn out ,there is no way to out of the attetion.thank you for your sharing..
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And just like they would in a drama, the fan fell to her knees and was blushing? well the positive side is that female fan got a kiss
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Spanish is the second largest learning language out in the world.I am also great fan of the Beyonces and she is really an good singer...
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Beyonce and Shakira both are my favourite singer. Its so nice that last year both were sung a Spanish song together. Both looks so beautiful in this song video.
This blog is really nice. Shakira and Beyonce both are looking beautiful but shakira is my one of the favourite singer. I always listing Her all songs.
It is a great combination of Beyonce and Shakira. They sing a song together in Spanish language. According to my knowledge both are sing nice in Spanish. They also looks beautiful together.
I think its all done in a last year that Beyonce and Shakira sung of a Spanish language song. Its really nice sung by them. Both are great singer and dancers.
There is no any doubt that Beyonce and Shakira both are a talented person. They are not only singing well but they also dancing well.
They both singer are very intelligent. I like singing and shakira is my one of the favorite singer which sing a song a fantastic.
We know that Beyonce's foray into Spanish language. It is good that Shakira and Beyonce singing together in one album. I think it is a great experience for both of them. Both are so excited to work for each other.
We know that Beyonce's foray into Spanish language. It is good news for the fans that she singing on a duet with Shakira in Spanish language. Best of Luck ! to both of you.
According to me Beyonce and Shakira both are fantastic singers. There is no any competition between both of them. But its really a lifetime experience for both of them to singing a Spanish song together.
Shakira is m,y one of the favourite singer. She is really better then other. Shakira is really gorgeous. Especially, when she sings in Spanish.
Beyonce is a good singer and Shakira is a great dancer. I think if these tow combination mix up together than its really rocking. Beyonce and Shakira both have great voice quality.
Shakira is really gorgeous. She is my one of the favorite signer. I like her hips don't live song.
Shakira and Beyonce both are sing well in Spanish. All people are friend of Shakira but Shakira is friend of Beyonce.
Shakira is famous singer. Shakira and Beyonce singing together in one album is very awesome. I like to this album. It was a fantastic experience.
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